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  • What is the best option for me?
    Depends on your goal you can slect fromthe three different iptions that we offer. If you are a clinician who wants to incortporate Brain Training as part of your services, the first option will be the Premium Signature Package Combo Pro. If you are an individual who wants to improve and increase your brain functions, you could be a business person, senior managment in a 500 company, a Medical doctor in a Hospital, an sport athlete in high demand competition, a struggling student or a high achiever, gifted student you will benefit from the Brain Training options Intermediate and Basic. Let us guide you to choose.
  • How much will cost?
    Depends on your particular needs and goals, the range will be between $600 to $5,000: Basic Package Combo $600.00 per month (Includes equipment, software subscription, professional monitoring and technical support) Intermediate Package Combo $1.250.00 per month (Includes high-end equipment, software subscription, professional monitoring and technical support) Signature Pro Package Combo $4.300.00 (Includes equipments, software, and four hours of technical support)
  • For how long should I train my brain?
    This is an excellent question! It all depends on your specific needs and goals. But a rugh estimate will be between 25 to 60 sessions.
  • Is this training safe?
    Besides the clinician package, which have to be handle by an expert in the field, the other two options are designed to safely train your brain without any negative output. Just follow the main guidelines of each equipment and you will be enjoying of your new brain/life sooner than later.
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